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Creating a safe and fun space for all fans
When and where does Niagara Falls Comic Con 2025 take place?Niagara Falls Comic Con 2025 will take place on Friday, May 30 (3pm – 8pm), Saturday, May 31 (10am – 6pm) and Sunday, June 1 (10am – 4pm) at the Niagara Falls Convention Centre, located at 6815 Stanley Avenue in Niagara Falls, Canada. The event takes place just steps away from the majestic Falls and will feature more than 200,000 square feet of exhibitors, comic books, movie cars, cosplay contests, celebrity autographs and photo-ops, a video gaming arena, Falls Horror Fest and more!
How do I purchase tickets online?Click on the “BUY TICKETS” button at the top of the webpage to be redirected to, our ticketing service. At the end of your online transaction, your eTicket will become available, as well as sent to the registered email. Please print out and bring the barcoded tickets with you. We will scan those when you arrive at the event. Sometimes emails are filtered somewhere other than your inbox. Please check your junk, spam or bulk folder. You can also find you tickets by logging into the account created when buying tickets. The Box Office can also resend your confirmation by calling the help line at the following number: (905) 357-6222 (Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm). Online purchases must use a credit card. Onsite tickets will still be available at the door, and can be purchased with cash ONLY. Guests may cancel their appearance or change their appearance schedule because of other professional commitments or reasons out of the Niagara Falls Comic Con’s control. In such circumstances, the Niagara Falls Comic Con cannot be held responsible. All sales are final. No exchange or refund will be issued. Entry is free for Children ages 6 and under. There is a maximum of two children per one adult ticket. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Where can I buy tickets in person?Ticket outlets will be announced soon!
How does my VIP or Speed Pass work?VIP ticket holders will be let in 30 minutes before the official opening times all three days: Friday at 2:30pm, and Saturday and Sunday at 9:30am. Front-of-the-line access for autographs, Q&A’s, workshops, panels and free events are strictly reserved for VIP/SPEED PASS ticket holders. All autographs need to be purchased separately. In most cases, these can be purchased directly from the Celebrity’s Liaison in Celebrity Row. All Photos with a Celebrity will need to be purchased separately. These can be purchased directly from the Celebrity’s Liason in Celebrity Row. VIP/SPEED PASS ticket holders will get front-of-the-line access to all celebrity lines, as well as for all free Q&A’s, seminars, workshops, and events.
Will tickets be available at the door?Yes! Single day, deluxe passes, VIP and Speed Passes will be available for purchase at the door!
Is there re-entry into the event?Yes! You are given a stamp and we encourage you to explore the City of Niagara Falls while you are visiting with us. Please note, that there may be a delay to re-enter once you have left the venue depending on the line and capacity.
How do I meet a celebrity?Most Celebrity Guests are scheduled to be at the Niagara Falls Comic Con for all three days. A few guests will only make a single or two day appearance. Guests who are not at the convention all three days are noted on the website indicating which days they are available. Most guests do not have a set schedule, but are at their tables for most of the event hours unless there are other factors (ie. flight changes, etc) Most guests have policies where they charge for photographs with them at the con. Some may respectfully request a fee be paid before taking a picture. Please note that some guests will only participate in photo ops and not take table photos. All celebrities have a cost associated to their autograph. Most artist guests do not charge for autographs, however, there are some that may. Each guest sets his/her own price for autographs and photos at the table. You may purchase as many signatures or pictures as you are willing to pay for (possibly limited by how large the remaining line is behind you, of course). Autographs can be purchased at the Niagara Falls Comic Con, at the actual booth where the autographs are being done, located in Celebrity Row. The celebrity will usually have a guest liaison that will take care of the monetary transaction. Autographs can only be purchased with cash. You can bring your own items to autograph. However, it is up to the guest to accept or refuse to sign a given item. Guests will refuse to sign any bootlegged material. VIP/SPEED PASS autograph line ups are for VIP/SPEED PASS holders only.
What is a photo op?A photo op is a professional photo with you and the guest, taken in front of a professional back drop by a professional photographer. You will also receive an 8×10 print out of your picture included with the purchase of a photo op. Photo op tickets can be purchased at the event at the NFCC Merchandise booth. Photo op tickets will be available for pre-purchase.
What are the general rules of NFCC?If you aren’t allowed to do it outside of the convention, it isn’t allowed at the convention. Niagara Falls Comic Con strives to create an environment which caters to the fan community, but would like to remind attendees that they are still expected to be law abiding and responsible. Attendees who violate these rules may be subject to expulsion from the convention without refund, and may be banned from attending again in subsequent years. All Niagara Falls Comic Con attendees, guests, vendors, staff, and volunteers are expected to interact in a respectable and positive manner. We are all here to have a great time, so please use common sense and be courteous. We are looking to provide a safe, secure, and pleasant family environment, these activities are not allowed at the Niagara Falls Comic Con: engaging in disruptive and unsafe behavior that disturbs or endangers the attendees, guests, vendors, staff, or volunteers. Physical or verbal harassment of the attendees, guests, vendors, staff, or volunteers. Any activities deemed to be nuisances to the convention or the convention premises, including excessive noise or behaviour considered generally disruptive. Any act which could result in substantial risk or harm to people or property. Sexual misconduct, such as indecent exposure, offensive touching, or sexual harassment. Laser pointers, laser-aiming devices, or similar devices, may not be used in public, unless you are officially sanctioned to lead or present a convention seminar, workshop, display, or other convention-sanctioned event in which a laser is needed. Any literature distribution is prohibited without prior permission of the Niagara Falls Comic Con. In the interest of respecting the rights of people who want to be left alone, the following behaviours are considered unacceptable without prior consent of the recipient: hugging, groping, back-slapping, kissing or other unwanted physical contact. This also includes unwanted advances or other similar forms of behaviour considered to be harassment. All individuals whose actions violate these rules will be asked to stop such actions. Any violation of the rules of conduct which involve activities prohibited by law will result in notification of the proper authorities. Cosplay (Costume Play) is highly encouraged, but some restrictions apply: Footwear is required (please do not come barefoot). Costumes that are deemed to be indecently revealing, as well as costumes or props that are deemed to be offensive or otherwise unacceptable by Niagara Falls Comic Con standards, are prohibited. An attendee who is wearing a costume or carrying a prop that does not meet these requirements may be asked to change into either street clothes or another costume. All large props or any props resembling weapons (including guns, swords, spears, whips, bows, etc.) must be verified by the Niagara Falls Comic Con staff to ensure they are safe. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the convention without refund. Please refer to our Weapons Policy for more detail. Please ask our convention attendees for their permission before taking their photograph. If they say no, please do not take a photo of them anyway. Please ask parent, guardian, or chaperone for permission to take a minor’s photo and let them know where the photo will be located. If they say no, please respect their wishes. Photography and recordings may be permitted during workshops, panels, and guest sessions and in the Artists’ Area at the discretion of the host(s)/artists involved. Photography of merchandise in an exhibitor’s booth is prohibited, unless you’ve obtained consent from the exhibitor. The convention also reserves the right to prohibit photography and/or videotaping of any event or area. Convention staff may review and/or demand deletion of any unauthorized photographs or video recordings.
What are some helpful hints & tips for NFCC?Upon entry, tickets will be replaced by an entry stamp or wristband. Entry stamps must be on a visible part of the hand. Wristbands must not be tampered or removed and must be worn and visible for the duration of the convention. VIP badges can only be used by a single person. It cannot be transferred between multiple persons. The badge must be worn and visible for the duration of the convention. VIPS will also have a wristband that must match their badge. All listed prices are stated in Canadian dollars. US currency is accepted at par. Most guests charge a fees for autographs or photos. Niagara Falls Comic Con reserves the right to alter or change the schedule, without prior notification. Refunds will not be issued should the program be altered, if programming is removed or added, including if a particular guest does not appear. All events have limited seating capacities and are offered on a first come, first served basis. All personal information created, held or collected by the Niagara Falls Comic Con is protected under the federal Privacy Act. Personal information is not disclosed to anyone except to the Niagara Falls Comic Con employees who need the information to carry out their responsibilities. Recording/Filming/Photography – By entering the public spaces of the Niagara Falls Comic Con, ticket holders consent to being recorded, filmed or photographed, be it for broadcast television, closed-circuit television, that may be used for promotional and/or commercial purposes by Niagara Falls Comic Con, Scotiabank Convention Centre, a news program, a documentary, and/or a film/television production. Food and Drinks – the consumption of food or beverages is forbidden in all panel rooms and the Main Events room. Only water bottles will be accepted in these rooms. Attendees are also expected to take proper measures to maintain a clean environment and dispose of any food or drink (including packaging) related garbage properly when they are done. Attendees who cause damage or are otherwise abusive of their food and drink privileges may be expelled from the convention. Bring cash. Canadian and American currency is accepted. There will be ATM’s on site but they do tend to get extremely busy. Stay hydrated! There will be lots of walking and standing! Wear comfortable shoes. We highly recommend you wear some comfortable, clean clothes and a nice pair of shoes with excellent cushioning. Consult your Program Guide. We’ve put together a program of Q&As, seminars, and other events. The schedule is available in advance on our website. You should mark down intriguing program items before you go. Please note that our program goes to print several weeks before the event, so keep checking back on the website to stay up to date!
What is NFCC's policy on harassment?Niagara Falls Comic Con is a safe place for fans to interact with each other, their favourite celebrities, artists, and more. This means we expect it to be a safe environment for fans from any ethnicity, creed, religious background, political background, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, sexual orientation, fandom, etc. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. This includes, but is not limited to: physical assault, verbal harassment, sexual harassment, stalking, unwanted physical contact, unwanted advances, or inappropriate photography. Niagara Falls Comic Con does not tolerate physical or verbal harassment of the attendees, guests, vendors, staff, or volunteers. Harassment can take many forms. It may be, but is not limited to, words, signs, offensive jokes, cartoons, pictures, posters, pranks, intimidation, physical assaults or contact, or violence. This includes comments and statements made via email, on websites or any of our social networks. Inappropriate photography is defined as photography where the subject feels they are being stalked, exploited, degraded, or disrespected through being photographed. While it is reasonable that photographers will be photographing attendees and other parts of the convention, should this photography become harassing or sexual in nature, the photographer will be subject to the above harassment policy. If it is determined – either by observation or by complaint – that an individual or group has harassed another attendee, any or all of the following things may occur. That individual or group may be: warned to cease and desist, asked to leave the convention, or banned from the convention for a period of time to be determined by the staff. Please keep your hands to yourself. If you would like to take a picture of/with another fan, just ask, but please respect their right to say no.
What is NFCC's costume weapon policy?No functional weapons are allowed. Simulated or costume weapons are allowed as part of your costume, subject to prior approval by security and compliance with the following: All costume weapons must be inspected at the Weapons Check Desk outside of the main hall. All costume weapons must conform to Provincial and Federal law. Projectile costume weapons must be rendered inoperable. Costume swords must be tied to your costume in such a way that they can’t be drawn. After each person’s costume weapon has been checked, it will be tagged by the staff, and you will be given a wristband to wear to designate that your weapons have been checked. Security will escort you to the Weapons Check Desk for inspection if your costume weapon is not tagged. If you do not want to have your costume weapons inspected or tagged, of if you are not willing to comply with these policies, please do not bring your costume weapons.
Is the event accessible?Yes, the event takes place on the main floor of the Niagara Falls Convention Centre. Accessible washrooms are also located on the main floor. Accessible parking is also available on-site.
Is smoking permitted?There will be a fenced-off smoking section located outside of the Convention Centre, with re-entry allowed back into the event.
What are the health guidelines in place?All Provincial guidelines at the time of the event will be followed.

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